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About, Links Pages Updated

24 March 2022

I have updated some of the stuff on my about and links pages. Ctrl + F5 to make sure you don't have an old version still cached. There is now a lot more info about this website, a button wall, and a few more Discord servers you can check out.

I'm also currently working on a page that will be an interactive showcase of some of the music that I enjoy and would like to share with others. Hoping to get that finished soon! In the mean time, you can visit my and see some the music I've been listening to.

Midterm exams are almost over as well so I should be able to work on this website even more in a couple weeks. I've got some cool ideas that I would love to share with everyone.

Also, I figured out a decent system for organizing multiple pages with different styles so I will try to experiment with different looks and create a bunch of wild looking pages. The main ones will remain simple and maintain a consistent accessible style, but other more "fun" ones may not be as restrained.

That's all for today, stay well.

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